Kris Ogden, FL Panhandle resident puts BP Oil Crisis sorrow to music we can all appreciate! Please pass this link on

July 22, 2010

A special friend of mine in the Florida panhandle passed on this link tonight of a you tube video of a friend, Kris Ogden, who wrote new words to an old favorite “Blowing in the Wind” with words about the BP Oil Spill. I hope you’ll pass this on to other friends suffering from the oil spill. I know all of our hearts are full of sorrow over this.

Kris- you have done a wonderful job putting this together! Thank you!

TWIA to settle 2400 Hurricane Ike Slabbed Claims for $189M

July 18, 2010

While I’ve been off for a few weeks enjoying company over the July 4th holidays there has been lots of important claims news I need to catch up on. Here is one of the most important developments indicating settlement negotiations resulting in planned settlement of hundreds of TWIA hurricane Ike claims.

The Mostlyn law firm has several media releases from 7/13-7/16/10 here:

The Merlin Law group has a new blog up with more details here: